Tuesday, April 28, 2009


DisneyNature's Earth is a breathtaking feast to the eyes. Although it was rated as G scenes where a wolf attacking a baby caribou or a Great white shark leaping 32 feet in the air to grab and hold its seal meal did not sit well with Sandhya and Divya.

The story line involves different animal families with new born. The struggle they go through to protect the babies. Astonished to see how this maternal instinct to protect the babies is so deep rooted in any living thing. Movie also takes us through different regions of earth right from Tundra to the African desert to the Himalayas which at least I would not have viewed in my life if not for movies like these and the documentaries on TV.

The ariel view of the migration of caribou herds and buffalo herds were simply awesome not to leave the bird migration. There were also totally fun moments to watch where a bird species in the middle of the rain forest being soo...much obsessed with scrubbing and cleaning its living space to attract its mate. One thing to make sure is that this is watched in a good theater with good sound systems, it just lifts you to that level where you feel that you are sitting right on the spot where it was shot. I've heard that birds migrate thousands of miles for breeding, it was until now a piece of information to me but to watch some ducks crossing the Himalayas midst of the storm towards the warmer climate of Indian subcontinent gave that piece of information a new meaning.

Yes, as the narrator discloses it is a circle of life, every living thing has a predator to complete the circle but to watch a polar bear dying , being lost and due to lack of food was heart breaking because the ice is melting faster every year it loses its stable hunting ground..and why does the ice melt faster..Global warming. watching the movie you will certainly feel it is still so much worth to save this planet especially other species we share this planet with. Its loathsome that there are still people who says Global warming is not caused by humans and firmly believes that it is a phase that nature is going through out of nobody's fault. Yes, I have heard these exact words. Leave alone the point if they are doing their part to reduce it but they even resist to accept the fact. I wonder ..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I love the weather currently..its hot but it will not continue for the rest of the week. Its going to get back to normal spring time temperatures which according to me is cold. Having bright sunny warm days really perks up my mood and spirit. I enjoy doing my workouts or yoga which on any cold day is a laborious task which I force myself to do. Its been 3 years since I made workouts and yoga a regular in my daily routine. I did not have any kind of exercise other than feeding and taking care of sandhya and Divya after they were born and even earlier to that I did not have a regular schedule for it. I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant and luckily I lost most of it . Probably that since I was in my 20s my metabolism was good I was not slim, neither was I overweight. Around the time I hit 30 my "doctor" sister was enlightened about working out and she did a very good job of shedding a lot of extra pounds that she had gained over the years after 2 children. So she with all her excitement started nagging me to start on one side and M who had been a regular all the time on the other side. He even got me the membership for the gym he goes. and so I with much frowning started..would go for a day and then forget about it for a month, such was my interest in doing it blaming lack of time, my work, my commute, it looked impossible for me to continue. Then it happened, my dad had a heart attack and underwent a by-pass surgery as his arteries were 95% blocked and on top of this he was diabetic. I had the sad opportunity to watch his struggle post surgery, it was hard for all us around him. At that moment I realized at least for the loved ones around us one should never go through these kind of illness. We cannot control everything but I learned that diabetes, being genetic, we can make a change. It was only after that incident I regularly started going to the gym partly out of fear. Yes , I agree that I cannot totally avoid if its in my gene, I'm just putting up a fight and I agree at first I dreaded the days I had to go to the gym but gradually I started liking it. It sure makes a change in your mood and energy. And now after almost 3 years I love it even more as I reap the benefits out of it in regards to the looks and weight. I just wanted to inspire who ever happens to read this..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tooth fairy visit

I don't know if I can call it a milestone but Sandhya lost her tooth couple of days back. The new tooth started growing even before the baby tooth started wiggling and fell out. Seeing a new one already growing I said probably I should take her to the dentist and pull the old one out. By the next day evening one of the tooth was already out and other one was wiggling badly attached only barely, I was really shocked. The previous day it was not even wiggling :( she had had her hands on it whole day wiggling it constantly. She was carrying around her fallen tooth in a small Ziploc to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy to pick it up. I offered her the idea of burying it in mud in the backyard remembering what I did when I was young she just dismissed it and proclaimed that she is in fact going to put it under her pillow. Of course the idea of getting money from the tooth fairy obviously was more attractive to her. So the whole evening she was carrying her Ziploc as if it was her pride and asset and Divya following her eyeing longingly on Sandhya's fallen tooth and asking her to show the bare spot in the mouth often. That night she remembered , with added countless reminders from Divya, put it under her pillow and I played the to tooth fairy and replaced the tooth with a dollar bill.

After getting the tooth I didn't know what to do with it as I did not have the heart to throw it in the trash. Call me crazy, but I was staring at that tiny baby tooth on my hand for few minutes..felt a swirl in my stomach..my baby is growing up..this is indeed one of her next milestone physically. I then buried it in the mud next day to just satisfy my fancy :).

So the new tooth with lack of space is growing way back inside than where it should be. hmmm... I can see myself making endless trips to the dentist ..getting ready to write a big check...

P.S. Divya later that night threw a tantrum as she wanted her tooth to fall too she couldn't digest the fact that Sandhya is first to get a visit from Tooth fairy..."all is never fair between siblings"..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's in a name...

..Yeah thats what I thought until Divya asked me if she can change her name when she is grown up. Though I should say that we (Me and M) did not spend a lot of time choosing their names and its very common nothing new or creative, but we thought it was short and sweet rhyming with Sandhya, which again was chosen at a spur of a moment..lot of things crossed my mind when she asked the question and I asked if she was bullied or mocked at school for her name (though I strongly believed should not be the case)..of all the answers I could or anyone could think off she said "Its a kids name, I'm a small girl now, I cannot have the same name when I'm grown up too.."..err..I direly wanted to know how they come up with these kind of thoughts...*fists down*... Kids I say ...