Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Identity crisis....

Recently I started noticing things what Sandhya and Divya says regrding there likings or their opinions, be it a song or food or color or whatever they could spin their conversations on. If I play a song in the car and if Sandhya says she likes it Divya makes it a point to dislike it, same with food..Sandhya likes rasam..Divya likes only sambar..Sandhya hates vegetables divya always asks for a second serving especially the ones which Sandhya refuses to eat even if I force her..on the other hand Sandhya like to have spinach in any form and Divya never touches Spinach..and lateley Sandhya seems to pick up math better than Divya but Divya does better job in reading and writing...the more Divya says she likes to write the more I see that Sandhya does not want to write. I'm sure Divya likes pink but the other day I heard her say she doesn't like pink the moment Sandhya said that it was her favourite. It is as though they wanted to prove that they are different in all aspects..fighting for an identity, as if they no more wanted us to treat them as "They" or "them" but instead as individual persons. It is ok to a certain length but it started to concern me a bit now as this process finds its way in each and everything crossing their life from dawn until dusk.Me or M are as careful as humanely possible to not to utter any word of comparisons between them but still they tend to do this. Expressing their feeling is something but developing an opinion purely based on the other twin sibling's liking is not a pretty scene to watch...

I feel that they always have this little competitiveness running between them (may be to catch our attention more) M used to comment that for us it a competitive world outside the house but for them its right inside and exists all 24 hrs. I'm sure this happens with all siblings to some extent but with twins I think its more vivid

I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that they would grow out of this as they grow up...

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