Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gay "marriage" or not

I would not say I'm an avid follower of politics but neither do I turn a deaf ear or blind eye on the news on it. But the current election even made people like me to closely follow the happenings, may be because I was eligible to cast my vote this time so I was more interested or may be the candidates for this election aroused the curiosity. I think I started following the news and articles on election right from the Iowa primary caucus in which Obama won. After hearing some of his speeches and articles on him I should say I started leaning towards him. As the primary started dragging with Clinton not bowing out I remember cursing her involuntarily as I was listening to the news. It really surprised me as I had always had a "who cares" attitude in politics before. And on the night of the election day Obama's speech made me mushy..emotional, he really is a damn good orator.. One other thing which pressed me more to do my duty as a citizen is the issue of gay marriage on the ballot. Prop 8 is a ban on gay marriage. I wanted to register my role in making prop 8 successful. By this I would not say that I'm against gays as such, I do have gay colleagues and friends and considering my up bringing I should say I really adapted to accommodate them well and with ease. I understand its a personal interest,every person can decide what kind of sexual orientation they believe  or will have but when it comes to marriage I think it should be preserved to be between a man and a woman. That's what marriage means, it has evolved and is part of the process of making a family which helps the species thrive and proliferate and to change its meaning, I think its against the nature..

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